[SPEAK LIFE] April 4, 2016 Affirmation

This Week’s Affirmation (Apr. 3, 2016 – Apr. 9, 2016)
“I will STARVE my distractions
and FEED my focus!”
Action Item:
Take a moment to speak the affirmation aloud and meditate on it throughout the day and the remainder of this week.

Have you ever noticed that when we are ready to get things done, or our mind is focused on knocking another task off of our growing “to-do” list, there is usually something that distracts us? The distraction can be a child, significant other, our thoughts, something we forgot to do, a TV show, and the list can keep on going. No matter how hard we try, it becomes even harder to get back on track after we have been distracted. At this point, we may feel discouraged or just plain tired and decide to put whatever it is off until tomorrow or the next day we feel focused enough to get it done. Today is the day for us to begin to STARVE our distractions before they even start and FEED our focus.

You may ask, how do I eliminate or starve my distractions? The best advice I can give you would be to: 1) Schedule YOUR priorities, 2) turn off your phone (and electronic devices) so you can allot yourself enough time to complete a goal/task, and 3) establish a healthy routine (maybe from 7pm-8pm that is your time to complete something on your list). Now there are other things you can do to starve your distractions but these are the top three I find are the most helpful, especially if you are willing to commit to them.

Throughout this week, I encourage you and myself to continually feed our focus. Let’s not let any distractions that arise make us lose track of what we intended to do in the first place. Let’s keep moving towards our goals no matter what.

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established” (Proverbs 16:3 ESV)
Daily Prayer:
Eternal and Everlasting God, today I come into your Presence humbled and asking for Your help with starving my distractions and feeding my focus. I ask that You let me know exactly what it is You would have me to do so I am in line with Your Will. Please order my steps, mind, and focus. Again, I thank You and It’s in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. 
Until next week, KEEP GOING and STAY ENCOURAGED because your VICTORY is already WON! To God Be the Glory!
Chanelle A. Watson
Author, Chef, & Entrepreneur
Inspirational & Motivational Enthusiast

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P.P.S. Keep a look out for a podcast episode or blog post with more ways to starve our distractions and feed our focus.